Digital Dentistry at Zuri Dental in Rockville, MD

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Zuri Dental in Rockville, MD leverages the power of digital technology, techniques, and devices to the benefit of patients. Digital technology helps to enhance comfort during treatment, and supports excellent outcomes from dental treatments. As a digital dental practice, Zuri Dental provides comprehensive care for all ages. To learn more or make an appointment, call

or send us a message.

What Is Digital Dentistry?

Digital dentistry refers to the advancements in digital technology that improve patient outcomes. Digital dentistry therefore includes all scanning, imaging technology as well as advanced software. Today’s advanced dental technologies are used to design dental restorations including inlays, onlays, and dental crowns. Likewise, digital dental technologies support the design and fabrication of cosmetic dental treatments including Invisalign and clear aligner trays, and dental veneers. Dental technology also ensures  precision in the placement of dental implants.

Benefits of Digital Dentistry

  • Enhanced diagnostic capabilities
  • Earlier detection of oral health conditions
  • Immediate images, scans, and digital X-rays
  • Patient education and empowerment
  • Expedited receipt of dental restorations, dental prosthesis, alignment trays, mouth guards, and night guards
  • Provides preview of post-treatment results from Invisalign, clear aligners, and smile makeovers
  • Enhanced comfort during scans and impressions
  • Reduction in radiation exposure from X-rays
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Why Choose Zuri Dental

Zuri Dental provides comprehensive dental care for all ages under one roof. Dr. Maina’s selection of the most advanced, proven technologies offers patients myriad benefits ranging from faster diagnostics, to enhanced comfort all the while supporting excellent patient outcomes.

At Zuri Dental, patients will feel seen, heard, and understood. We empower patients with technology, allowing them to see what Dr. Maina sees in scans, x-rays, and images. This allows patients to see in real-time any potential problems, and in doing so, play a vital role in improving their own oral health.

Dental Technology at Zuri Dental

At Zuri Dental, Dr. Maina has hand-selected the dental technologies that offer the greatest benefits for patients.

  • Digital X-rays. Digital X-rays provide immediate images, while subjecting patients to 80% less radiation than traditional film x-rays.

  • Digital Intraoral Scanners. Intraoral scanners eliminate the need for messy, bulky, putty impressions used in previous generations. Intraoral scanners are fast and painless. Digital intraoral scans are used in applications including crowns, nightguards, sports guards, dental implants, orthodontic treatment with Invisalign, and more.

  • Intraoral Cameras. Intraoral cameras provide immediate, clear, and magnifiable images of the teeth and mouth. Intraoral cameras help detect dental conditions earlier. Intraoral cameras are more accessible and reliable than older methods of dental record-keeping and provide enhanced accuracy for treating conditions like fractures in the teeth.

Frequently Asked Questions About Digital Dentistry

Is there an extra charge for advanced dental technology?
No. Advanced dental technology has reduced the costs of X-rays and imaging. There are no additional fees, costs, or surcharges for digital dentistry.
Does a 3D scan of my teeth hurt?
No. Advanced 3D scanning is painless, and much less anxiety-inducing for patients with sensitive gag reflexes, than older putty impressions.
Are digital X-rays safe?
Yes. Digital X-rays are far safer than traditional film X-rays as they expose patients of all ages to far less radiation.
How often will I need X-rays?
Dr. Maina only requires X-rays when necessary. They are used to diagnose sources of pain in some cases. Children may also need them to ensure the adult teeth are coming in properly. Most patients will not need digital X-rays more than once per year.
Do digital tools replace putty impressions?
Yes! You will not have to sit with putty trays in your mouth thanks to digital scanning capabilities.
Do digital impressions hurt?
No. They are painless treatments that only take a few minutes.
Does insurance cover digital scans?
All insurance policies are a bit different, but dental insurance policies tend to offer the same allowances for modern, advanced technologies, as they allow for older methods of impressions and images.
Are intraoral cameras safe for children?
Yes. Intraoral cameras do not expose children to chemicals, substances, or radiation. They are a wand-like device with a tiny camera that is guided through the mouth to capture images of the teeth and gums.

Book a Dental Exam and Check Up in Rockville, MD

If it’s been more than six months since you or members of your family have been to the dentist, book an appointment at Zuri Dental in Rockville, MD today. We are a comprehensive, all-age dental practice, leveraging the power of technology to your benefit. Call

or message us for an appointment.

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Zuri Dental


6211 Executive Blvd.




9am - 6pm
8am - 5pm
9am - 6pm
8am - 5pm
Every Other Saturday
Zuri Dental