Restorative Dental Treatments in Rockville, MD

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Zuri Dental provides comprehensive restorative dental care for patients of all ages in Rockville, MD. Restorative dental treatments restore the teeth and gums to good health using a variety of treatments ranging from fillings to dental implants. To get your oral health back on track with restorative dentistry, call

, or message us.

What Is Restorative Dentistry?

Restorative dentistry is a field within dentistry that focuses on returning the mouth to good oral health through treatments that restore the teeth and gums. Restorative dental treatments include those that strengthen weak teeth, prevent tooth loss, preserve the facial appearance through preserving the jawbone, and replace missing teeth with artificial teeth (prosthesis). 

Wherever possible, Dr. Maina and her team at Zuri Dental will preserve natural teeth. When a tooth or teeth are damaged beyond restoration, Dr. Maina provides tooth extractions, and a variety of options for replacing the tooth or teeth.

Benefits of Restorative Dentistry

The overall goal of restorative dentistry is to return your teeth, gums, and mouth to a state of good health. In restoring the mouth to good health, patients benefit from:

  • Preventing tooth loss
  • Preserving natural teeth and tooth roots
  • Preserving the facial structure and appearance
  • Preventing the need for dental extractions
  • Treating tooth decay
  • Treating infected teeth
  • Treating fractured, chipped, and  cracked teeth
  • Filling gaps in smiles with dental prostheses
  • Restoring a full, healthy smile
  • Improving self-confidence
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Why Choose Zuri Dental?

At Zuri Dental, you’ll never feel like just a number. As a privately owned dental practice, we care about every patient. Our support staff is friendly, efficient, and experienced. Dr. Maina is highly skilled in all aspects of restorative dental care. You can expect to be treated like a member of our family.

To that end, we want to serve as a supportive partner in helping you achieve and maintain overall health and well-being. We educate patients of all ages about the importance of practicing good oral hygiene and ensuring good nutrition for a healthy smile and healthy body.
Patient Having Shade of Teeth Checked

Composite Fillings

Composite fillings treat tooth decay (cavities). Composite resin will match the shade of your teeth, so your fillings are not noticeable when you talk or smile.

Learn More About Composite Fillings
Restorative Happy Man In Green

Inlays & Onlays

Inlays and onlays are dental restorations larger than fillings but don’t completely cover the tooth like a dental crown. Inlays and onlays are custom-designed to match the natural color of your teeth.

Learn More About Inlays & Onlays
Curly Hair Man Smiling Photo

Dental Crowns

Porcelain dental crowns are natural looking, and strong, protecting the damaged or weakened tooth beneath it.

Learn More About Dental Crowns
Lady With Curly Hair

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are one option for replacing missing teeth. Dental bridges can replace several missing teeth in a row to complete your smile.

Learn More About Dental Bridges
Dental Implant And Patient

Dental Implant Restorations

Dental implants offer the unique benefit of replacing the missing tooth and the tooth root. Dental implants not only fill gaps in your smile but also preserve your jawbone, keeping your facial appearance intact.

Learn More About Dental Implant Restorations
Older Lady In Blue


Dr. Maina is highly experienced in prosthodontics and provides custom dentures (prostheses). Dentures may be full, partial, fixed, or removable.

Learn More About Dentures
Man In Glasses

Root Canal Treatment

Root canals save natural teeth. Dr. Maina provides root canal treatment to teeth that have suffered extensive decay or infection. Root canals prevent the loss of teeth and infection.

Comprehensive Exam

Tooth Extractions

Dr. Maina will make all efforts to save natural teeth. However, teeth that have sustained dental trauma, and teeth that have split, or cracked below the gum line will need to be extracted. Dr. Maina provides extraction, and dental bridge or dental implant restorations to fill the gap left by an extracted tooth.

Learn More About Tooth Extractions

Frequently Asked Questions About Restorative Dentistry

What are my options if I don’t want a root canal?
A tooth that needs a root canal will not recover without intervention. If you do not get a root canal, the only other option is to extract the tooth and replace it with a dental restoration. If you do not have the tooth extracted, you put yourself at risk of severe infection which can lead to health complications.
How long does a root canal take?
Advancements in technology and techniques have made root canals faster, and more comfortable than ever. A root canal at Zuri Dental usually takes 90 minutes or less.
Are dental implants safe?
Yes. Dental implants are very safe when provided by an experienced restorative dentist. Dr. Maina has extensive experience in periodontics and prosthodontics, which is essential for designing and placing dental implant restorations.
Can I finance dental work?
Absolutely. Zuri Dental offers an in-house payment plan. In addition, we accept payment via CareCredit which allows you to pay for your dental care over time with low monthly payments.
Are dental bridges a good option for missing teeth?
Dental bridges have been used for years to replace missing teeth. They are excellent for filling gaps in the smile. However, they do not preserve the jawbone. To fortify the jaw bone, an implant-supported dental bridge offers more health benefits than a traditional bridge.
How long will a composite filling last?
Composite fillings are more durable than ever. They often last 7-10 years or longer before needing to be replaced.
Does it hurt to get a dental crown?
No. Dr. Maina will ensure that the tooth and the surrounding area are completely numb when preparing your tooth for a dental crown.
What are my options for replacing a tooth after an extraction?
The best option for replacing a tooth that has been extracted is to place a dental implant. Dental implants are the longest-lasting, and easiest dental restoration to care for. They also match your other teeth in size, shape, and color.

Book a Dental Appointment in Rockville, MD

Zuri Dental is accepting new patients at our modern office in Rockville, MD.  To schedule an appointment for yourself, or a member of your family, call

or send us a message.

Contact our office today to schedule your appointment!

Our knowledgable and friendly team is ready to answer
any questions you may have.

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Zuri Dental


6211 Executive Blvd.




9am - 6pm
8am - 5pm
9am - 6pm
8am - 5pm
Every Other Saturday
Zuri Dental