Sedation Dentistry in Rockville, MD

Beautiful Girl in Blue

Patients who experience dental phobia or anxiety about receiving vital oral healthcare may request sedation dentistry at Zuri Dental in Rockville, MD. We offer conscious oral sedation and nitrous oxide to provide relaxation and mild sedation. To learn more, call

or send us a message.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a term used to describe medications administered before and during dental care to promote relaxation. At Zuri Dental we offer relaxation and mild sedation via nitrous oxide, better known as laughing gas, and prescription medication. We do not provide general anesthesia or IV sedation at our Rockville, MD dental practice.

Sedation is offered because poor health outcomes are closely linked to poor oral health. As such, patients must be able to relax enough to receive essential oral health care. Sedation options offered by Zuri Dental do not put you to sleep. You will be awake but relaxed. You may not remember your dental treatment after your appointment.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry provides fearful patients assistance in receiving the oral health care they need to live long, healthy lives. Studies have shown that patients who suffer from dental phobia are likely to skip preventive and restorative dental care. Therefore the benefits of sedation dentistry include:

  • Induces a relaxed state so that patients can receive oral health care
  • Minimizes gag reflexes in patients
  • Allows the dentist to work more efficiently
  • Stress and anxiety reduction
  • Safe for most patients
  • Promotes a positive dental experience, so the patient is likely to return

Sedation Options Available at Zuri Dental

At Zuri Dental, Dr. Maina offers sedation and relaxation to fearful or anxious patients via nitrous oxide or conscious oral sedation.

  • Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, known as laughing gas, has been used to induce relaxation in dentistry for centuries. Nitrous oxide is fast-acting, and the effects subside as soon as the gas is turned off.

  • Conscious Oral Sedation

Conscious oral sedation is achieved through an oral prescription medication taken approximately one hour before your dental appointment. The medication has a sedative effect, inducing a state of relaxation for nervous or anxious patients.

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Why Choose Zuri Dental

Dr. Maina and her team at Zuri Dental are passionate about helping people achieve and maintain good oral health. Oral health is not separate from overall health, but rather an integral component of health and well-being.

We recognize that the mere thought of going to the dentist is enough to cause fear and anxiety in patients. Although our team works hard to create a warm, inviting, and comfortable environment, we recognize that sometimes, mild sedation is necessary. We are happy to provide mild sedation and relaxation to ensure that you can get the oral health care you need

Are You A Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Patients who struggle with fear, anxiety, or panic about dental care are best suited for sedation. Those who do not suffer from dental fear do not need sedation. If you are pregnant or nursing you should not request sedation dentistry. Certain medications may interact with sedation, so you will need to provide your medical history and all current medications.

If you are prescribed an oral medication to take before your treatment you will need someone to drive you to and from your dental appointment. You should not drive, drink any alcohol, or use any heavy machinery until the following day. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Sedation Dentistry

How long does it take for the effects of laughing gas to wear off?
The effects of nitrous oxide wear off once the gas is turned off. You are allowed to drive yourself home and return to normal activities after you’ve left your appointment.
Is nitrous oxide safe during dental treatment?
Yes. Nitrous oxide has been used in medicine and dentistry for centuries. All sedation options carry a small degree of risk or side effects, but nitrous oxide is safe and extremely well tolerated by the majority of people.
Will insurance pay for sedation during dental treatment?
Unfortunately, most insurance companies do not offer coverage for sedation dentistry. Zuri Dental accepts all major credit cards and third-party financing such as CareCredit for sedation dentistry.
Will I be asleep during dental treatment with sedation?
No. Nitrous oxide and conscious oral sedation calm and relax you, but you will be awake during your treatment.
Can I drive after laughing gas?
Yes. Once you’ve completed your appointment you are allowed to drive yourself home.
Can I drive after oral sedation?
No. You will need someone to accompany you to and from your dental appointment if you are prescribed sedative medication before your appointment.
Are there any side effects of conscious oral sedation?
Side effects may last for several hours after your appointment. Common side effects include drowsiness, sluggishness, slowed reaction times and reflexes, headache, and lightheadedness.
Which sedation option is best for dental treatment?
Unless you need it, the best option is to forgo sedation. However, if you suffer from dental phobia, you should talk with Dr. Maina about the sedation option that will help you receive essential oral healthcare.

Book an Appointment for Dental Care in Rockville, MD

Fearful, or anxious patients are encouraged to schedule an appointment for dental care at Zuri Dental. Please mention any dental phobias or anxiety you have so that we can make sure you are relaxed and calm while receiving oral healthcare. Call

or message us with any questions.

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any questions you may have.

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Zuri Dental


6211 Executive Blvd.




9am - 6pm
8am - 5pm
9am - 6pm
8am - 5pm
Every Other Saturday
Zuri Dental